Regulatory barriers for the implementation of brazilian climate policies in the afolu sector: Forest Code, ABC Plan, and Renovabio
Autoria: Ana Maria de Oliveira Nusdeo, Flavia Trentini, Gabriel Thomazini dos Santos, Leonardo Cunha Silva, Lucas Henrique da Silva
Brazil occupies a prominent place in global agricultural production. Like the United States, Russia, China, and India, Brazil has a population of over 80 million people, an agricultural area larger than 30 million hectares, and a GDP that exceeds 1 trillion dollars. At the same time, the agriculture, land use, land-use change, and forestry sectors were responsible for 60.3% of greenhouse gas emissions in 2016. Given this prevalence in the Brazilian gas emissions profile, this study’s objective is to analyze the intersection and alignment of Brazilian climate policies in these sectores and the measures adopted under the Paris Agreement.
Ano de lançamento | 2023 |
Autoria | Ana Maria de Oliveira Nusdeo, Flavia Trentini, Gabriel Thomazini dos Santos, Leonardo Cunha Silva, Lucas Henrique da Silva |
Formato | |
ISBN | 978-65-265-0324-9 |
ISBN [e-book] | 978-65-265-0325-6 |
Número de páginas | 198 |